Monday, March 26, 2007

dublin/amsterdam/brussels gallery

i took quite a few pictures, here are some of my favorites.

getting in touch with my ninja side

bottoms up

darcy roszell: a living work of art


call me castro


city of sin

billion bike brigade

jumping for joy

me on my death machine

nite brite


martina and i

team dublin



Sunday, March 25, 2007

2 adventures fueled by curiosity.....guiness and coffee shops

been a while since i've written anything down, but for good reasons. i've experienced dublin on st. patricks day, as well as amsterdam and brussels the following week. both trips were a great time, and deserve to be explained in a tad more detail.
a group of 11 (technically 12, but we lost one girl the entire weekend...woops) travelled to dublin via bus and ferry across the irish sea. the ferry was one of the best parts of the trip, it was so windy that on the top deck you could lean all the way over and the wind would keep you standing. on the big day we watched the parade and washed it down with hefty servings of irelands most famous beer. all of the bars were jam-packed with as many irish as non-irish and plenty of live bands. the city of dublin was much better than i expected as well, great buildings, canals running through the city centre and lots of history to explore. we slept the last night at the airport along with hundreds of other travellers who didn't want to pay for a hotel. at 2am we found the american girl that we lost over the weekend, everything was fine because she was befriended by a group of canadians from mcmaster university (!).
the amsterdam travelling crew was much smaller, consisting of joe america, angelos from cyprus, and yours truly. let me begin by saying that amsterdam is the craziest and most jaw dropping city that i've experienced. the combination of the physical city, BILLIONS of bicycles, museums, red light district and "coffee shops" on every corner and down every alley made amsterdam a city to remember. i rented a bike to get a better feel for the city, and proceeded to cause a countless number of near accidents. luckily, everyone who rides a bike in amsterdam was better at navigating than i am.
to top off the trip, we missed our plane back home...i thought that only fools and idiots could be ridiculously stupid enough to miss a flight. i guess that gives me a bit of an outside perspective on myself haha. but not to worry, 12 hours of train rides later i was safe and sound back in birmingham.
pictures will be coming soon. stay tuned.

Monday, March 05, 2007


things have been a bit more on the quiet side this past week. that being said, it is uncommon for me to be in bed before 12, and for anyone who knows my sleep patterns...that is quite a change. there must be something in the beer.

my credit card is getting close to max capacity after this week too. but for good reason, on june 1st in numberg germany there is a 3 day festival full of rock. check out the lineup:

Die Ärzte, The White Stripes, Velvet Revolver, Travis, 30 Seconds To Mars, Smashing Pumpkins,Linkin Park, Beatsteaks, Muse ,Billy Talent, Mando Diao, Evanescence, Wir Sind Helden, Korn, Slayer, Dave Matthews Band, The Hives, Arctic Monkeys, My Chemical Romance, Kaiser Chiefs, Jan Delay & Disko No. 1, Mia., The Kooks, Wolfmother, Stone Sour

admittedly, some of these bands are terrible...korn, evanescence, my chemical romance. but the rest are going to be good. the pumpkins, dave matthews, white stripes and wolfmother are what i'm looking forward to. straight from germany i'm off to lisbon portugal for 4 days. i've heard only good things about portugal, so i'm pretty pumped to get down there.

that pretty much wraps up the amount of travelling i'll be able to fit in, but it seems to be a good amount.

i talked to dad recently and i'll be meeting him in geneva switzerland around the 13th of april, not sure exactly what we'll be doing, but there are a few options i think. maybe do a bit of late season skiing, explore some cities, be tourists. looking forward to that.

i don't really have many new pictures. so here are a few of me in and around where im living this semester.
me washing dishes(!), my room, the residence houses, bronwyn and i